Mirahi Digital Garden

The latest news and updates about Mirahi, the newest technologies and our industry. Sharing real insights on the tech world.

Recent articles

Mirahi's journey to ISO 9001:2015 certification

How to start an ISO 9001 :2015 certification? Where to find all info needed? What do you need to achieve a successful path to this international standard? Who will define the final-added value of quality of your operational processes ? Mirahi has made this journey, so read along how we did it!

Mirahi's journey to ISO 9001:2015 certification

01/07/2022 |

Business Development

8 min read

Create an interactive React Native template

Create quick and easy dynamic templates for your React Native apps with the help of this guide. Read along to find out on how to create this template!

Create an interactive React Native template

12/05/2022 |

React Native

3 min read

How to define numeric accessibility and how to use it correctly

What is accessibility and why is it mandatory in new web standards? We generally think of this as being only about people with different abilities, but making a website accessible can benefit to daily issues that an average user can encounter. Learn more about these practices and how to handle them!

How to define numeric accessibility and how to use it correctly

04/05/2022 |

Design Thinking

7 min read

Why and how we migrated from SimpleAnalytics to Plausible.io

This is a brief introduction to Mirahi's journey into analytics and tracking tools used on our website. In this short introduction, you will learn more about the whys, whats, and the difficulties we encountered!

Why and how we migrated from SimpleAnalytics to Plausible.io

22/04/2022 |


2 min read

How to effectively organise on-site training seminars and workshops

Giving trainings requires far more than simply creating one. We should not overlook all of the preparation that goes into just giving a training! In this blog, we will explain how we organise our trainings and how you can do the same!

How to effectively organise on-site training seminars and workshops

08/04/2022 |

Event Management

6 min read

Up and running with React Native as a React developer

With React Native you can write apps using React for Android and iOS without learning native code with Swift and Java/Kotlin. This is a quick guide on where to begin learning React Native as a React developer.

Up and running with React Native as a React developer

08/03/2022 |

Mobile Development

1 min read

Get started with Design Systems

What are design systems and how do they work? Learn more about the process of making your own design system and get a better understanding of tokens.

Get started with Design Systems

30/01/2022 |

Design Thinking

5 min read