Up and running with React Native as a React developer

This is only a guide on how to learn React Native, not a training.
- Carefully read the official documentation on how to setup the environment
- Generate a React Native project and check it can run on both Android emulator and iOS simulator
- Read through all the official documentation
- Go through the Wix training
- Create an app that utilises all that you have learned from the training
- This can be overwhelming at first, you could either create the simplest app possible:
- Or create multiple apps that only demonstrates one feature of React Native at a time
Use Github smartly, commit and test your code often
The training uses specific libraries that are not always the most popular ones:
You will have learned navigation with react-native-navigation which is maintained by the Wix team, but you should also know how to handle react-navigation: which is recommended in the official React Native documentation. Here’s an article comparing the two: React Navigation vs. React Native Navigation: Which is right for you? - LogRocket Blog. As a React developer, you will have an easier time adjusting to React Navigation’s API since it’s similar to React’s react-router
react-native-ui-lib is used (also maintained by the Wix team), but there are plenty of other libraries to choose from and experiment with.
Eventually you should learn to create and manage an app from scratch, but it can be less frustrating and more fun to start out with Expo. Expo provides more tools to speed up your development with React Native so that you can concentrate on developing right away.